Saturday, February 27, 2021

Be Aware of False Flags

 By Chloe Brussard

    Imagine you were a dog, and your owner looked at you and promised that they would take you to the dog park. You get all happy and excited, and jump in the car. Everything is going extremely well, until the car stops and you get out. You're not at the dog park, but quite the opposite. You're at the vet. When you walk in, your owner is saying how sorry they are, and that the vet told them that you had to seem them. You were completely duped. One thing was expected, but another came. Now, imagine this on a much grander scale. A global scale. A military scale. That's what a false flag is. Committing an act with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning it on a second party. 

    False flags are popular among conspiracy theorists because they offer an easier explanation than what the truth may be. Some popular conspiracy theories include the Orlando nightclub shooting, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and even 9/11. Conspiracy theorists think that these were staged, and a way for the government to expand their surveillance on the American people. And the people who were involved in those acts were 'crisis actors', who act as bystanders to these events to make it seem more real. 

    The concept of a false flag could be interpreted as both positive and negative. Positive in the sense that the people are being protected from knowing top secret government information, but also negative because the government is essentially lying to the people. If the government had a superpower, it would be their lack of willingness to share things with the public. Conspiracy theories are some peoples main motivation. They believe that everything that has been done up to this point has been a plot created by the government to cover up actions that are very morally questionable. 

    Another easily understandable example of a false flag would include the JFK assassination. Here is what the public knows. President John F. Kennedy was riding in a motorcade in Dallas Texas when he was shot by former U.S. Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald. The car then sped to Parkland Memorial Hospital where Kennedy was then pronounced dead 30 minutes later. 

    Oswald was arrested by police a little over an hour after the shooting. Two days after the initial arrest, when he was being transferred from the city jail to the country jail, Oswald was fatally shot by nightclub owner Jack Ruby on live television. Here is where it gets interesting. It could be thought that Ruby shot Oswald as an overwhelming sense of patriotism, but conspiracy theorists believe that Oswald was shot so he couldn't expose the government for hiring him to kill the president. 

    It was also discovered that the HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations) found serious flaws in the original federal investigation into this act. There was also an audio recording that was found that offered a theory of there being a second gunman. But, it was determined that a sound found on the audio was from a different location in Dallas.

    The examples that I've outlined are just a few of the many false flag conspiracies. The government must have their reasons for essentially lying to the people, most obvious is for their protection and continuous cooperation. But there is always a possibility that their lies can put the American people in danger. The whole concept of a false flag is for there to be a cover for an operation so we never find out what really happened, but if truths were to come out, would the government have the power to cover them all up, or would it finally be time for them to give the people some answers?

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