Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Are All Men Really Created Equal?

By Chloe Brussard

    One would think that when the Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal", they meant that everyone would be equal. But that simply is not the case. Women sometimes don't seem to be part of that "all" which is what provoked the Me Too movement.

    First presenting itself on social media in 2006 by Tarana Burke, the Me Too movement has evolved into something so powerful. This movement is a social movement against sexual abuse and sexual harassment where people expose allegations of sex crimes against them. For too long women have stayed silent, and let men walk all over them, whether it be in relationships or workplaces. Women used to just take the abuse that was handed to them because men used to be in charge of so many things. Men dominated workplaces and relationships. Plus, who would believe a women over a man? 

From/Of Religion

    This movement isn't necessarily about religion, but that doesn't mean that it isn't for some people. Some people might have faced religious discrimination, or violations of their religion. Me Too means something different to each person who has faced different kinds of abuse, so wouldn't it be unfair for someone to exclude your kind of abuse from a movement that is supposed to be all inclusive? Acceptance and equality is what this movement strives for, and the people who are apart of this movement understand what it is like to have faced abuse and harassment, which is why they would never do that to another person. 


    The goal of all these marches, signs, hashtags, etc is to be heard by someone. Some women have felt silenced for too long, and they are fed up. The court system has failed them too many times. Sharing their stories with each other and with the world is such a brave and courageous thing. They are sharing personal stories about their violations, and in so helping other people feel like they have a voice. This movement's point isn't to only criticize and call out the government, but also to help other people come forward and share their stories. 


    Women march to create awareness. They want cameras, news stations, and journalists to see that they won't back down. That this is a fight that they will not forget about. Unfortunately, not all press is good press. 2%-10% of all sexual harassment reports are false allegations. When a false allegation is made, the press eat that up. They put that story in the spotlight for people to see, and gives a false impression that most of the reported sexual abuse allegations are false. The media should focus more on helping the victims rather than exploiting the liars.


    New York City. Las Angeles. Boston. These are just a few of the cities that marches have been held. Meeting up in a big city with signs and stories is their right to assemble. Some of the victims have faced so much harassment and violence against them, that the last thing they would want to do is cause more violence. Why would they go to these cities and incite violence? They stand for peace and equality, and creating a violent march is against what they stand for. 


    In my notes I have written next to this: the right to talk back to the government. Do I think that the women who are apart of this movement have the right to talk back to the government? Men don't rule this world, but they seem to think they do. The majority of governmental positions are filled by older white men who believe that they know what is in the best interest of young women. Who are men to decide what to believe? So yes. I believe with all my heart that these protestors have the right to talk back to the government. 

    The Me Too movement is not exclusively for women. Men face sexual harassment and abuse too, but they seem to think that speaking up about it makes them seem weak. It does not. It makes them brave and strong and worthy. The backlash that they think they would get for speaking up would be from those who think themselves better than everyone else, and those opinions don't matter. What matters is that all the work that is put into this movement is going to make a change, whether it be through laws being passed, more victims coming forward, or creating awareness. No one should have to hold their troubles inside while the world goes on around them. People don't deserve that. they deserve to live their own life how they want to, without fear that their rights will be violated. 

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